New Year, Same Me: 2023 Video Game Run-down

A lofty 2023 goal of mine was to play more games, which I happily managed to realize. You won’t find any notable annual hitters which have been subjected to numerous accolades in this meagre list of mine, but they’re nevertheless entries which brought me joy in their own quaint and distinct ways.

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New Year, Same Me: 2023 Manga Run-down

Regrettably, my manga consumption in 2023 fell short of initial expectations (and if you think this is bad, wait until you see how few anime series I consumed,). Nevertheless, I did delve into a substantial number of works which warrant recognition, albeit in a concise, bite-sized manner.

Much of these observations are loosely repackaged musings from social media, and I will be exclusively listing works that I have completed in earnest. Ongoing works which I’ve greatly enjoyed (e.g. My Girlfriend’s Child or The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn’t a Guy at All) will be omitted. You know, just to make things a little bit tidier.

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